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Customs Clearance Services

Customs Clearance Services

OSE European has a wealth of experience in moving goods internationally, including all associated customs requirements. As logistics professionals, our investment of time and resources in preparation for Brexit has meant that whatever the outcome of negotiations, OSE European were ready to deliver. 

Until recently, customs clearance has applied to goods moving outside of the EU, such as Norway, Switzerland, America, and the Far East. In the post-Brexit era, this now applies to the movement of all goods moving in and out of the EU.

As part of our commitment to keeping freight moving, we invested significant time and resources in preparation for Brexit so that whatever the outcome of Brexit negotiations, we were ready to support our customers. As a result, we have been able to adapt to changes quickly. Our Customs Team has been able to help support and guide our customers to successfully export and import the vital shipments that have allowed them to keep supply chains and businesses running.

How we can help

Our highly experienced team can help to ensure you are fully prepared when looking to export and import goods to and from the UK. We can:

  • Advise on all aspects of the Export and Import process.
  • Talk you through the different terminology and incoterms, together with the associated implications and responsibilities.
  • Raise Export and Import declarations.
  • Appoint customs clearing agents from our network of European partners, or liaise with your own appointed agents.
  • Arrange T1 transit documents where the destination of the goods is not the country of arrival into Europe.
  • Utilise our systems to ensure customs clearance processes are adhered to throughout the transit of the goods
  • Finalise customs formalities at the end of the transit of the shipment.

The OSE European customs clearance checklist

To help you understand the steps you need to take, we have put together this concise checklist:

1. EORI Number

Please ensure you have an Economic Operators Registration and Identification number (EORI number) if you move goods. For more information about EORI numbers, or to apply visit www.gov.uk/eori 

2. Declarations of origin

If you’re importing or exporting goods with a country that has a preferential arrangement, the goods are likely to have a reduced or nil rate of duty based on the origin of those goods. Unless the agreement says you do not need a proof of origin, you’ll need to:

  • prove to HMRC that you can claim preference for goods you are importing
  • give the person receiving your goods evidence of the origin so they can claim preference.

For more information, visit www.gov.uk/guidance/get-proof-of-origin-for-your-goods

3. Trade tariffs – For all shipments, you will need to provide us with:

  • the value of the goods and the gross /net weight
  • the origin
  • a commodity code
  • the terms you are shipping under

For more information about trade tariffs and to look up look up commodity codes, and current duty and VAT rates visit www.gov.uk/trade-tariff

4. Postponed VAT accounting or deferment account

You must let us know if you are intending to make use of postponed VAT accounting or a deferment account. You can do this by indicating in the appropriate place on our standard Power of Attorney form. If you are not completing our Power of Attorney form, you will need to provide your preferences and permission to use them in writing at the time of making the booking.

For more information click here

For more information about customs clearance, please contact Beverley Henderson on 0191 224 6710 or email sales@oseeuro.com