Waste not Want not
The exploration of fuel sources is critical to ensure replacement energy sources that can be employed in all manners of ways to fuel our growing need for energy.
As the global population increases, more energy is required and recycling is an excellent way to reuse and retain our decreasing resources.
Sustainable Fuel is not just an option it is the only option, with depletion comes the time for our ‘throw away attitude’ to literately be binned.
The Government is planning to invest £4m in a waste treatment fuel plant, through generating energy from waste products it is estimated that 38,000 tonnes of carbon emission could be eradicated.
An example of a company that has initiated waste recycling is TGI Fridays; they plan to reuse the cooking oil that powers their transportation for restaurants.
Alyson Scott, head of supply chain at TGI Friday’s, said: “Like most restaurant groups, we produce large quantities of waste cooking oil per annum – which might otherwise go to landfill and may even cause environmental problems, but recycling it to high quality bio-fuel can help TGI Friday’s to reduce carbon emissions by up to 90 per cent.”
Not only is this an energy saving process but the company will see the benefit of how cost effectiveness this fuel exchange can be.
The perusal of fuel efficient means the green economy can begin to thrive, if integrated into both business and consumerism, mass saturation of replacement energy can be adopted more efficiently and easily from a long term perspective.