Tachograph Calibration Fees to be Deregulated
Following a consultation with the road haulage industry, the fee for calibration and periodic inspection of tachographs is to be deregulated from 1st January 2012.
The new deregulation of the fee will allow the approved tachograph centres and vehicle operators to negotiate a fair fee for the calibration and inspection of tachographs. It is also expected to result in geographical variations in cost being accounted for and better support vehicle operators looking to have tachographs calibrated during unsociable hours.
“Future-proof” calibration and inspection against technological changes which will affect how much work will be involved in the inspection and calibration of tachographs and will remove the need for future Government involvement in fee setting.
It is also hoped that the deregulation will incentivise companies considering becoming an approved tachograph centre.
From January the fee charged by Approved Tachograph Centres will be a commercial matter to be agreed with the customer presenting the vehicle.
The existing fees are still in place up to and including the 31st December 2011.
VOSA’s Chief Executive Alastair Peoples said:
“Deregulation will benefit the industry, giving tachograph centres the opportunity to recoup their costs while providing a more flexible service to the customers.”