Pleas for help by Somerset Farmers
Following the floods from last month, farmers in Somerset are in desperate need of haulage to solve their problem to help deliver animal feed.
Forage Aid, a charity helping the farmers, stressed the panic to find help.
Andrew Ward, arable farmer and founder of Forage Aid, urged that the charity will need help from hauliers to deliver animal feed on and off for the next year as all crops are still under water.
The charity will also be looking for help to deliver bedding during the winter.
“The scheme is very much still running and we are desperately short of haulage. Up to now about 60 loads have been moved from all corners of the UK to Sedgemoor market,” Ward said.
Ward has praised the work of national supermarket, Tesco, who has been a massive help during these hard times for the farmers, delivering a majority of loads of animal feed to farmers in the county.
A spokesman said it has delivered 46 loads of feed so far and transport for the relief effort is now being managed by the National Farmers Union.
Andrew Ward stated that hauliers have pledged to deliver around 400 loads, so far, however Forage Aid would like to start moving the loads to a storage facility it has secured near Bridgewater.
“Any help you can give would be so gratefully received because of the situation is dire for many of the livestock farmers affected,” Ward added.
To help with the flood relief, contact Andrew Ward on 07850 132 189 or email andrew@wcs-farming.co.uk
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