New Road Shows Announced!

New Road Shows Announced!

21st July 2011


The Road freight Association has confirmed that they will be
hosting eight new road show events across the UK and Ireland between September
and November.




The transport events will aim to highlight ways in which
businesses can save money through better transport planning.




RHA head of training Steve Ellis said: “Attendance at one of
the road shows could be the best investment of time you make this year.”




One of the main highlights of the shows will be the prominence of
the London Olympics 2012; naturally there will be a great amount of work going
to tender with excellent opportunities available for the Logistics industry.




The Road Haulage Association events will also include information
about up and coming changes to transport laws for 2012, helping businesses
prepare for change.




If you would like to find out about the event visit or if you
would like to contact OSE European for transport requirements or queries please
contact us on 0191 2654455 or email us at





















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