Logistics Day Announced
The IFW have announced that they are to launch a yearly Logistics Day! At OSE European we think this is a brilliant idea to really celebrate the work achieved in transport.
The first celebration will be held on the 14th November 2012.
Logistics is the secret underbelly of all operations but rarely thanked, with new events such as ‘We love logistics’ operated by the FTA, the world may just begin the to see the integral part of life Logistics plays to our everyday.
FTA CEO Theo de Pencier said,
Despite all its work to operate greener, safer and more reliably in an ever-lengthening global supply chain, the industry has an image problem. The sad fact is that the logistics sector has suffered and continues to suffer from a poor public image, with the more sinister corollary that this has no doubt influenced broad political apathy which in rare cases borders on enmity.
We need the public to look beyond its own immediate interests and realise the broader benefits of, for the sake of argument, overnight deliveries, truckstops, rail freight terminals or greater airport capacity.
The Logistics industry has been tarnished by unfortunate events yet it is so required, so needed that it must not be undervalued if it is continue to grow and be a resounding part in operating pubic demand.