FTA says reliable road infrastructure and accurate data is a must
According to the Freight Transport Association (FTA), reliable road infrastructure combined with accurate data on network performance are vital components for a successful road transport operation.
Malcolm Bingham, the FTA’s head of roads policy, told delegates about the essential role hauliers play within the economy whilst speaking at a seminar last week about the future of the UK’s roads and reform of the Highways Agency.
He also stressed the importance of ensuring operators are not hindered from carrying out deliveries by underinvestment in the highways network.
Bingham also stressed the importance of ensuring that operators are not hindered from carrying out deliveries by u underinvestment in the highways network.
“Unreliable journeys create a major challenge for operators,” said Bingham, with the FTA estimating the cost of a 44-tonne HGV at a standstill in traffic to be £1 per minute.
Bingham then added that last year, 39% of FTA members reported damage to their HGVs that could be attributed to poor road surfaces with a massive 88% of van operators reporting damage to their LCV fleets.
“Maintenance budgets should not be overlooked in central government and local road authority planning,” he warned.
Bingham said that the Freight Transport Association welcomed the Government’s infrastructure Bill, which should increase the funding and improve the management of major roads.
However, Bingham added that the agency remains sceptical about how effective Passenger Focus and the Office of the Rail Regulator would be at representing the views of the road freight sector.
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