Belgium logistics to be boosted by Antwerp Port expansion

Belgium logistics to be boosted by Antwerp Port expansion

9th May 2012

The Flemish government earlier opened up the possibility for the port of Antwerp to receive further expansion over the coming decades.

For this purpose a land use plan has been drawn up, offering a clear framework for companies, potential investors and local residents. The port will be able to develop more than 1,000 additional hectares for port activities in future.

On 27th April, the Flemish government decided to approve the initial draft of the regional land use plan entitled “Delimitation of the Antwerp seaport area” which has created the growth opportunities for the port.

The plan will be made definitive in 2013 and will represent a major step forward in land use planning for the port. The plan offers a long-term vision for sustainable port development with a balance having been struck between employment, residential areas, and agriculture and nature conservation. Once the port area has been delimited the detailed allocation of land within the area will be defined.

On the right bank of the port the option being pursued is “inward expansion,” which means making more intensive use of the existing area. The left bank has more opportunity for outward expansion.

The Flemish government has reserved more than 1,000 hectares for port activities in the Saeftinghe Development Area to the North of the existing port. The definitive allocation of land for maritime, industrial or logistics activities will be decided later, but other important investments have already been made possible. These include the Schijns and Waasland logistics parks, the expansion of rail infrastructure with a Main Hub and Freight Village, a holding dock for barges and two parking areas for trucks.

Antwerp Port Authority is very satisfied with the decision by the Flemish government, as it is crucial for the further development of the port.

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