OSE receives FORS accreditation
OSE has successfully received Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) Bronze accreditation.
The Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (FORS) is an industry-led accreditation scheme that aims to promote road freight as a sustainable mode of transportation for London in a way that supports London’s economic growth and environmental targets whilst helping to improve the quality of life for Londoners.
FORS is a voluntary scheme that encourages sustainable best practice for fleet operators. At its core, FORS promotes safe working practices, legal compliance and a corporate social responsibility to improve the performance of fleet operators.
Gordon Seery, Operations Manager at OSE, said:
“Gaining FORS accreditation is no mean feat. There are many requirements to becoming an accredited fleet operator including performance, systems and safety. OSE successful passed each criteria and we are thrilled to hold a nationally recognised quality accreditation.”
To all fast-moving businesses wanting to be truly efficient, OSE is a special logistics partner, delivering unconventional ideas through sharp analysis, sound intuition and unparalleled experience.
We deliver tight business thinking that cuts through complexity and create new value by delivering solutions through continual close client contact. We deliver where others can’t.
For more information, or to see some examples of some of the work we do, visit our website homepage here.