Transport and logistics industry gears up for Commonwealth Games
The Freight Transport Association is confident that transport and logistics operators in Glasgow are ready for the Commonwealth Games with the route network set to go live on Monday 21 July.
The Games begin on Wednesday and there is expected to be a demand for goods and services, but the Freight Transport Association is confident that deliveries are on track thanks to careful planning by the transport and logistics industry.
Chris MacRae, FTA head of policy for Scotland said:
“The Commonwealth Games should be great for Glasgow and the freight and logistics sector will obviously play its part in ensuring both that existing business customers of freight are still served as best they can despite the traffic restrictions that the Games bring, and also that the increased demand for freight due to the large influx of visitors is delivered.
“Any event such as this causes strain on the supply chain but freight and logistics businesses are good at working around this to make sure the shelves of shops are stocked with food.”
However, the organising committee for the Games, Glasgow 2014, was slow to release initial information regarding the freight restrictions caused by the Games. It was been a ‘close-run’ thing being ready in time, according to the Freight Transport Association.
As a result of the Freight Transport Association lobbying, both publicly and privately, the Games Route network and Local Area Traffic Management and Parking plans were eventually made available, both providing essential data relating to affected postcodes and details of businesses affected by their proximity to the Games venues.
The full information has enabled transport and logistics operators to establish with their customers who will be affected by the GRN and LATMPs, and helped them to plan how to maintain deliveries and servicing during the Games.
MacRae added:
“FTA has worked from day one to ensure our members got the information necessary to help them plan to deliver for their customers – the businesses and citizens of Glasgow – around the restrictions that the Games inevitably impose.”
The Freight Transport Association will be providing information throughout the Games to keep its members updated. Through its dedicated web page and regular e-news and traffic emails to members, businesses have the ability to sign up to feeds to receive up-to-minute information, including the latest traffic updates and news which may affect smooth operations.
The Association has been involved every step of the way to help ensure that, in spite of the restrictions that are required to be put in place for the event to run smoothly, transport and logistics providers can continue to deliver.
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